Dog Walking Whimsy

Current, past or wanna be dog owners may understand. For the rest of you, think of your mental meditation place. Now throw in a few interruptions like barking, literally being pulled in different directions and of course…picking up poop:) Ahh, mental therapy at its best!

Walking Eddy gives me time to think, more like daydream actually. Fresh air, movement, quiet streets and a few welcome tugs back into reality here and there, (which actually accommodates my random and non-linear way of contemplating), is the perfect setting for me to extrapolate on ideas and reflect on the good, the bad and the silly.

Apparently if I write these sentiments down and share them, I can potentially pass it off as blogging? So welcome to my soapbox, as I share my unsolicited “DW” generated thoughts.

Sit. Stay. Enjoy ?

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